Download - TextGrid



Aktueller Hinweis

With the current release versions of the 3.3.0 TextGridLab some issues can occur with Mac OS and Linux. We are currently working on a new release version. In case you encounter some issues, please feel free to test the release candidate versions 3.3.3 (Mac OS) and 4.0.0 (Linux):

Download and Installation

Download and Installation

With the TextGridLab, a free software package, you can access tools and services to create, manage and edit research data. The open source software is the entry point to the virtual research environment. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and provides differentiated access rights management within the protected research environment. The TextGridLab is optimised for XML/TEI development, e.g. in the context of digital editions. Further open source tools and services optimised for use with TextGrid are available for integration via the “Market Place” (startup screen). By downloading the software, you agree to the TextGrid Acceptable Use Policy.

TextGridLab-3.3.0-linux.gtk.x86.tar.gz 139.9 MB 2018-10-23 09:08:54 md5:3f33d19b7e51a45d277a035b3784e807
TextGridLab-3.3.0-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz 138.3 MB 2018-10-23 09:09:02 md5:dfa724f5c8ac4dbf92c2021634556456
TextGridLab-3.3.0-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz 136.8 MB 2018-10-23 09:09:28 md5:2dfb0bd8233f103f131887e0b0962f15 137.4 MB 2018-10-23 09:09:12 md5:a80bd15c7c2816a65eaa40d040138628 136.7 MB 2018-10-23 09:09:20 md5:52d312fe584d3464418fcb9e50a48e3b

Installation Instruction

Installation Instructions

  1. Select the appropriate ZIP file according to your operating system and your hardware and download TextGridLab.
  2. Unpack the file. The TextGridLab is a portable software and will not modify the operating system.
  3. Run the executable file „textgridlab“ (owl icon) in the folder „TextGridLab“.


Usually, it’s just download, unzip & run. However, if there are any problems, this page offers solutions for system-specific issues and special requirements.

Release Notes

TextGridLab 3.3 bundles Java in version 8 and resolves problems which could occur with wrong or missing Java packages. Bugs in the Text-Image-Link Editor where resolved, which now works more reliable with larger numbers of images.

TextGridLab 3.2 brings lots of enhancements compared to TextGridLab 3.1, for example in the the Text-Image-Link-Editor, the XML-Editor, in the aggregation- and revision-handling. The compatibility with newer versions of Java and Oxygen was optimized; Spanish translation was added.

TextGridLab 3.1 is a maintenance release for TextGridLab 3.0 that fixes a serious problem with locking documents that are edited simultaneously. Besides smaller fixes, it also improves compatibility with Windows 10 and Java 8. Additionally it introduces an option to "stay logged-in", and the institution used for login is saved.

TextGridLab 3.0 is a major update of the TextGridLab that, by shifting from Eclipse 3.7 to Eclipse 4.4, switches to a new technological basis. Additionally, the new version includes various bug fixes and new features of several of its tools.

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