Projects introduce themselves - TextGrid

Projects introduce themselves


Projects introduce themselves

Projects introduce themselves

Over the past years a steadily growing, active TextGrid community has emerged. It has developed an established forum, e.g. in the regular user meetings on specific topics and applications as well as in training courses and workshops. The page "Events" informs about future and past meetings, together with extensive material (presentations, documentation).

Furthermore, research networks and edition projects that use TextGrid for their work play a central role in this context: Projects such as the hybrid edition of Theodor Fontane's notebooks (Fontane Research Centre of the University of Göttingen), the text database and dictionary of classical Maya (University of Bonn) and the Library of Neology (University of Münster).

These research projects working with TextGrid present their work content in the section "Projects introduce themselves".  Edition projects and research networks that use TextGrid for their work present their digital humanities research projects here. Potential users, but also those who are already working with the Virtual Research Environment, have the opportunity to get in touch with the respective contact persons directly on specific topics.

Editorial projects and research cooperations are invited to present themselves and their work with TextGrid.

Participate: Present your projects

Are you working with TextGrid? You may introduce your research project on this page! In order to be mentioned here, please send an email to, add image-files (logos, screenshots) if you wish.

Edition database of the German Literature Archive Marbach

Since 2012, the German Literature Archive Marbach offers a database for German edition projects, that conduces to exchange and information and tries to ease the networking. Search and publication of own projects via Editionen-Datenbank DLA.

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