TextGrid Tools and Services - TextGrid

TextGrid Tools and Services


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TextGrid Tools and Services

TextGrid Tools und Services 2

TextGrid Laboratory

  • Point of entry for the virtual research environment
  • Optimised for XML-/TEI-development e. g. in context of digital editions
  • Tools and services in an intuitively usable software
  • Easy integration of further Open Source-Tools via the “Market Place”
  • Differentiated access rights within the protected research environment


Editors and Tools

XML-Editor Edit XML files with an easy-to-use XML Editor. The files can reside on the local computer or in the grid. Users can switch easily between a more technical view with tags and attributes and a structural view that is oriented towards standard text editing applications. A unicode character table enables the user to search, copy and insert symbols from the Unicode character set.

Text-Bild-Link-Editor A Text-Image-Link Editor supports the XML Editor by linking text sequences with image sections in order to create files that contain text elements and topographic descriptions. 

Wörterbuch-Recherche-Tool The Dictionary Search Tool allows you to search in a number of different dictionaries within the TextGrid virtual research environment. The dictionary network “Wörterbuchnetz” (www.woerterbuchnetz.de) in Trier has been integrated into the TextGridLab for this purpose.

DigiLibThe web-based image viewer DigiLib contains a gallery view of a collection of images, zooming, scaling, marking, and reference features. Since the beta 2011-12 customised viewing and zooming (context menu: “ShowImage (digilib TG)”) are integrated.

MEISE The note editor MEISE allows for the graphical encoding, editing and (basic) viewing of MEI encoded scores, facilitating, amongst others, the visualisation of variants.

TextGrid Tools and Services

TextGrid Repository

  • Long term research data archive for the humanities
  • Guaranteed long term availability and accessability of research data
  • Features various searching, different download formats and visualization tools
  • Reading, exploring, download and using of XML-based text-corpora e.g. The Digital library of TextGrid.


Nutzer- und Projektverwaltung A powerful Project and User Management (file and rights management module) allows users to create new projects in the Project Management Module. Existing projects can be managed i.e., project members can be deleted or added and endowed with predefined roles. Users can also set access rights for TextGrid objects.

Projektbrowser/Navigator The Project Browser / Navigator is always present in TextGridLab. It gives users easy access to all the material related to the project(s) to which they are assigned. In addition, the Navigator allows their easy administration. Thus, it can be a starting point in TextGridLab.

Recherche-Tool The Search Tool retrieves structural data and metadata. Semantic searches based on RDF are also possible.

Metadaten-Editor The Metadata Editor is used to create and manage the metadata for TextGrid objects. This metadata is used in TextGrid for cross-project searches. The metadata input form can be easily adjusted to meet individual needs.

Aggregation Composer With the Aggregation Composer users are able to choose and put together objects via drag and drop instead of looking for single objects dispersed in several projects. Objects relevant for a certain topic or research interest can now be aggregated in the TextGridLab. These objects appear in the Navigator as an aggregation, which can be edited, expanded and dismantled again – without deleting the objects within.

Import/Export-Tool An Import/Export Tool allows you to import local data into the Repository and export it to your desktop. It provides an easy-to-use input screen for entering the metadata.

Revisionen Intermediate results can be documented as revisions, so that changes are traceable.

PublizierenThe publication (in the repository) is supported by an automated metadata validation.

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