TextGrid Research Association - TextGrid

TextGrid Research Association


The TextGrid Research Association

The TextGrid Research Association

Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities (BBAW)

Main responsibilities: user acceptance incl. interviews

Expertise: Active fundamental research in the humanities in numerous communities from the ancient world to the present and their digital support in workflow and presentation of research data, experience in the realisation of user and expert interviews (in the context of the DFG project D-Spin the BBAW evaluated the requirements concerning the design of access possibilities of linguistic and other ressources in the humanities in the form of expert interviews), operation of IT infrastructure for development and presentation of research data, diverse experience in researchers’ handling of digital working environments

Current projects related to TextGrid: The BBAW is a network partner in the BMBF project DARIAH-DE.

DAASI International GmbH

Main responsibilities: operation and software maintenance of the Repository: performance/scalability, exemplary realisation of the adaption for a satellite project

Expertise: development and operation of IT infrastructure et al. in the areas of grid computing and identity management, distributed authentication and authorisation based on Shibboleth, PKI, managing of access rights with RBAC and XACML, compilation of business plans, organisation of technical workshops and trainings

Current projects related to TextGrid: DAASI has been involved in both former TextGrid project phases and continues to develop parts of the software TG-auth in further projects. It has been involved in DARIAH-DE bringing in TextGrid expertise.

University of Applied Sciences Worms (FH Worms)

Main responsibilities: load tests, functional tests

Expertise: Theory and practice of distributed architectures with applications in the eHumanities and the eGovernment, development of complex software systems, administration and syndication of large distributed registries, development of data models

Current projects related to TextGrid: DFG project “XML-Print”, Isidorus: Open Source Topic Map Engine, realisation of eHumanities session and tutorials in the IEEE DEST, frequent practical projects with students in the area of distributed applications and of frontend development, test strategies

Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen mbH (GWDG)

Main responsibilities: Regular operation of TextGrid and quality management

Expertise: Operation of infrastractures for long-term archiving, development of environments for distributed computation and storage, conception of process sequences, policies and service level agreements for sustainable storage solutions, virtualised computing and storage infrastructures

Current projects related to TextGrid: Development of research infrastructures for the humanities (DARIAH, EU), research infrastructure for the humanities and the social sciences (CLARIN D, BMBF)

Institute for the German Language (IDS)


Main responsibilities: Operation model

Expertise: Juridical and ethical aspects of digital research primary data, operation models, operation and financing models for an enduring provision of research infrastructures and services, technical and organisational long-term archiving strategies

Current projects related to TextGrid: Creation of the “Digital Research Resources in German Philology” center (BMBF), the German language resources infrastructure D-SPIN (BMBF), WissGrid, interaction between linguistic and bioinformatic techniques, methods and algorithms: modelling and mapping of variance in language and genomes (BMBF)

Max-Planck-Institut for the History of Science (MPI WG)

Main responsibilities: Usability analyses with special focus on academic application, process organisation of the transition from prototypes to continuous operation

Expertise: Digital edition projects and working environments for historical research, provision of electronic sources (European Cultural Heritage Online)

Current projects related to TextGrid: Development of image tools (digilib) as a plug-in for TextGrid, development of a production line for digital editions (Edition Open Access), development of an XML workflow and of language technologies for text-based work with documentary material in the humanities (XML workflow), Digital Manuscripts to the Europeana (EU project, start: March 2012)

Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)


Main responsibilities: operation and software maintenance (TextGrid Repository), consortium management and public relations

Expertise: sustainable organisation with focus on long-term archiving of digital academically relevant research data, enduring provision of research infrastructure and services, experience in consortium management of large joint projects

Current projects related to TextGrid: development of research data archives (WissGrid, BMBF), development of research infrastructures for the humanities (DARIAH, EU), provision of publication infrastructures (Driver, EU)

Technische Universität Berlin

Main responsibilities: Integrated monitoring and quality assurance

Expertise: Interdisciplinary academic and technical research, socio-scientific accompanying research in digital research infrastructures, eScience and the digital humanities

Current projects related to TextGrid: Since Nov. 2010 accompanying research for C3-INAD and TextGrid “E-SCIENCE AND ITS NEW INTERFACES. Technical and institutional transformation of academics and its practical consequences using the example of the humanities (TextGrid) and climate research (C3-Grid)”

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies

Main responsibilities: user communication (WP 3), documentation (WP 3.1), coaching and trainings (WP 3.3), lab support (WP 5.1)

Expertise: digital humanities methods in research and teaching, digital lexicography, digital edition philology, digitisation and semantic analysis of primary sources and research data

Current projects related to TextGrid: WissGrid (BMBF), interaction between linguistic and bioinformatic techniques, methods and algorithms: modelling and mapping of variance in language and genomes (BMBF), DARIAH (BMBF), development of an XML-based type-setting programme for academic editions and dictionaries (DFG), Virtual Scriptorium St. Matthias / Trier (DFG)

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Institut für Deutsche Philologie

Main responsibilities: operation and software maintenance of the Laboratory (WP 5)

Expertise: digital editions, annotation of texts, software for philologists

Current projects related to TextGrid: the software requirements of the Faust edition (DFG) are considered as user requirements in the development of the TextGrid tools, creation of a center for digital editions and cooperation with projects in Würzburg, e.g. the long-term intent of the Jean Paul edition; interaction between linguistic and bioinformatic techniques, methods and algorithms: modelling and mapping of variance in language and genomes (BMBF)



TextGrid constantly stays in contact with other research projects and associations to take account of recent developments and to pursue these. Different scenarios for a cooperation are described in our Information for Cooperation Partners.  Individual solutions will be worked out with you that are suitable to your research plan.

contact: anfragen@textgrid.de

On a technological and strategic level TextGrid cooperates for a long time with the research infrastructure project DARIAH-DE - Digitale Forschungsinfrastruktur für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften.

Further Cooperations partners (selection):

    Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
  • SADE
    Scalable Architecture for Digital Editions
  • SAWS
    Sharing Ancient Wisdoms
  • TuStep

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